How To Make A Corn Sheller



1) What is a corn sheller?

2) Things to prepare

3) Method

4) Bibliography


Japanese ver.


This is just one example because this content is suitable for maizes that were harvested at a specific location. As long as we can shell a maize regardless of materials or methods.


1) What is a corn sheller?

This tool makes it possible to shell maize faster than by hand.

Corn Sheller DIY Malawi


2) Things to prepare


Metal sheet : Length × width × thickness = 4.5×(S:23.5, M:25.5, L:27.5)×0.03 cm


In this case, we use the metal sheet to the right picture (76.5×180×0.03 cm, 3700MKW, about $5) . We can make 120 corn shellers (¢4.5 per piece) from this metal sheet.



Shears / Pliers / Two nails to make “teeth” for shelling a maize


3) Method 

You can do this with 10 to 15 minutes once you get used to it.

Rendering ↓


3.1) Bending the four sides to 2-3 mm. If we don’t do this, it is dangerous to cut hands. Firstly, in this case we bend a side just a little, after that we bend it more.


3.2) Finally, bending it firmly.


3.3) Bending all sides.


3.4) Marking points (3.5, (S:4×4, M:4.5×4, L:5×4) cm from end)


3.5) Bending the metal with the nail by hand. Not bending completely.


3.6) Bending the metal nipped with nails that are fixed by pliers.


3.7) Bending the opposite side and all points in the same way. Be careful not to confuse a side with long teeth and one with short teeth.


3.8)Rolling the metal by hand. Not to pressure a particular point. Done!

*We don’t dare to fix as a circle to deal with various sizes.


4) Bibliography

*100 Under $100: One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women / Betsy Teutsch




